Sunday, November 8, 2020

Dilations and Some Big News

Lily had another dilation on Friday and she did great! She was a little grumpy and tired for the rest of the day, but I can't blame her :) Dr. Pennington said he was able to easily dilate her esophagus to 12 this time (up from 10 last time), so that's great news. He would like to do another dilation in a month. Wearing the helmet is going very well. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to mind it at all. She wears it for 23 hours a day, so she sleeps in it too. We had a helmet check a few days ago, and the orthotist took some measurements of her head and said that her head shape has already improved. Yay! So she thinks Lily might only need it for about 2 more months. She will have it checked again in another month. 

 So I'm not sure how to lead up to this, but we have some pretty big news to share. Joe has accepted a new position with C&L Aviation in Bangor, ME. Yes, we are moving to Maine! We've actually been considering it for over a year. I know the timing seems crazy with everything else we have going on, but the right doors are opening for us to start this new adventure. We put an offer in on a house a couple weeks ago and they accepted! We had the home inspected Friday. We also already found buyers for our current house, so we don't have to go through the hassle of listing and showing it which is SO nice. We have a couple people driving out there with us to help with the girls and all the things, and some of Joe's new coworkers are planning to help us unload. I've called a few places and set up doctor appointments for Lily and Cora. So far everything is coming together smoothly. We've started packing up the house, and it's starting to feel real. It was hard telling my manager and coworkers. I'm leaving a great job with great people. We're so thankful for all the support we've had. It's also very hard to move further from our families, but we know our time with them now will be extra special. We are thinking about building a new garage with a guest room/suite above it, so we will have a great place for family and friends to come and stay :D
We are planning on moving December 11.

We know it will be challenging in some ways, and we appreciate your prayers as we make this big move.  

Cutest patient ever 

Couldn't resist these Halloween costumes 

Rosie the cheerleader