Sunday, April 18, 2021

EGD Number...?

 Lily had another EGD with dilation this past Thursday. She and I went to Boston again while a couple sitters helped us out with the other girls at home. Her esophagus was back to 10mm in diameter, and the doctor dilated to 15mm again. He said that was good still. He's cautiously optimistic, so we are heading back in 2 months for another EGD and if that looks good, we can start talking about 6 months between checks and then maybe a year. I can't wait for that day! 

Thankfully the drive there and back went very well. Her procedure was at 7:30am this time, and we were home by 3pm. It was great! 

A couple weeks ago, Lily had an eye appointment. She had one about 6 months ago in Grand Rapids and everything looked good then, but the optomitrist suggested she have another follow up in 6 months. So we dutifully went and scheduled an appointment here in Bangor. This time, the doctor said her eyes were overfocusing on close up objects, and he did see her eyes wander a little. So now Lily is joining the glasses club! Hopefully the glasses will correct it and she will outgrow them eventually. 

We've had some beautiful spring days, and Joe put the girls' play structure up last weekend. Rose was over the moon! We've been plugging away at house projects too. We go our guest room ready and cleaned up the attic. Joe cleaned gutters and Rose and I raked up leaves and cleaned up the yard. 

We found a couple more babysitters and we're hoping to get out a little this summer and explore more of Maine.

We also went to in person church for the first time today as a whole family! Rose LOVED Sunday school and can't wait to go back :)

The new glasses :)

"Mom, take my picture and send it to Grandma!"

So Big!!

I love Rose's smile in this picture!

3 girls and their dad, off to the park

Helping Mom clean up the yard


  1. So much good news on this post! I'm so glad to hear Rose loved Sunday School!

    I can't remember if you had the play structure in Michigan and brought it along or if this is new? Looks so fun!

    Lily is rocking the glasses--hope it's temporary but for the time being she's so cute!

    I'm glad the trip to Boston was so quick, amazing your new home is only a few hours drive away. :)

    1. We bought it in Michigam and Joe and his brother deconstructed it so we could bring it with us!

  2. How great that the play structure is up! Now Rose will really be anxious to get outside! Fun to see all three having fun. Love to all!
