Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Lily made it!

Lily went for an airplane ride today! She took an ambulance to GR airport,  then flew to Boston airport, and took another ambulance to Boston Children's Hospital.  I got there just as she was arriving.  She did great on the trip they told me.  The flight nurse even sent me some pictures 😊
The nurse practitioner checked in to say tomorrow they will do a few scans and then the surgeon will decide on a game plan.  I'm really looking forward to chatting with the surgeon to learn more about the procedure. The current plan is surgery on the 16th.

Getting ready for take off

First flight!

Happy at children's hospital 

Got some snuggles


  1. Love you all so much! Rejoicing with you over her smooth transfer to Boston. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. " Romans 15:13

  2. oh my goodness! so glad the flight went well. wel will be praying. love you all, Dan and Cheyanne
