Hello Friends,
Well, back to life in the big city. I flew into Boston at 5:30 last night. Good flights, no issues - until I got to Boston and my bag didn't come down the chute into baggage claim! Argh. 30 minutes later they 'found' it and I was on my way.
Lily was able to be weaned off the morphine enough that they could switch to giving it to her through her G-tube, which allowed her to be moved off the ICU floor. They're working on weaning back her medications still, which is now the major determining factor in when she can go home. It looks like there is a reasonable chance she will be able to be heading home by the end of next week, but it will still be day by day. Depending on how she responds to the weaning, how she does with taking feeds, how her EGD looks next week (scheduled for Tuesday the 25th), etc.
It's great to see her with fewer lines and nothing on her face! It's just hard now because looking at her lying there, it's like..she looks good! She's ready to go home now! But still more waiting. The nurses and staff in this unit have been great, so I feel good about her being here. The next few days will be telling, as they work on weaning her morphine.
Also, just want to again say thank you so much to all our friends and family who have been helping support us emotionally, physically (taking care of our other two kiddos, getting groceries, making meals), and financially. It means so much to us, and I can't imagine going through this without all of you.
Typical Lil. Arms and legs flying everywhere!
This was my first moments with her this morning :)
Stopped to sip my coffee at Harvard Medical Shool this morning. Why not, right?
Shipping (back) off to Boston