Saturday, March 6, 2021

Stent #2

 Yesterday (Friday) Lily went back to the OR. Dr. Manfredi removed the 10mm stent and made a few more very small cuts in the scar tissue. Then he dilated her esophagus to 13mm. Then he placed a 14mm stent- a little bigger than the 12 we had talked about. He said her esophagus tissue looked good. There wasn't any damage from the first stent. So, all good news! He wants to leave this stent in for just one week. Lily and I will stay here for one more week, and hopefully go home next weekend!

She was pretty sleepy yesterday, but overall is her normal happy self. She's such a trooper!

Music therapy :)


  1. Go Lily go!!!!! Mama you are doing so so good being there and supporting her! Praying you guys get to escape soon!!!!

  2. Love all this!!

    I love the second photo of her determined face!

  3. Good news! Hang in there, you got this!
