Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Good Things

We got some great news about Cora today. She is eating enough by mouth to switch to what they call on demand feedings. She has a minimum she has to eat in a 12 hour period. As long as she meets that amount for 48 hours straight, she can go home! So I am hopeful that she could come home Saturday. She also has to pass a carseat test before then. She has to sit in a carseat for 90min with a monitor on to make sure her heart rate and oxygen don't drop while she's in the seat. Way to go, Cora!!

Lily is making steps forward in her recovery after her heart surgery on Monday. They removed her chest tube and foley catheter yesterday morning. They removed her arterial line today and the nurse changed the dressing on her incision. It looked great. She has several stitiches in her chest that will need to come out next week. She is still intubated on the ventilator, but they stopped the sedation medication today and started weaning her down on the ventilator. We're hopeful she might come off the vent tomorrow. She may or may not need CPAP again when she does come off, but we'll see how she does. The cardiac team is pleased with how she's doing. Her pulses and vital signs all are great. They checked a chest x-ray and an ECHO this morning, and those both looked good. 

Joe survived his first day back to work. He was able to leave a little early so that he could spend some time at the hospital last night. We are so grateful for all the messages, meals, lunch and coffee breaks, visits, calls, and prayers. We are blessed with so much love and support.

Cora has the hiccups

Sweet card the nurses made from Cora to send with Lily when she went to surgery

Rose is loving time with her Oma

Oma snuggles Cora

Milk coma


  1. So sweet! We had ladies prayer group tonight, and they were all asking for updates... So I read them today's blog! They've all been praying and were happy to hear things are going well. Love you and the little sweeties! 😘
