Cora is doing great at home. Usually going a few hours between waking up to eat during the night. She's up to just over 6lbs now.
Lily is trucking along in the hospital. She's now up to 4lbs 12oz. Her first gap study will be next week, to start the process of tracking the (hopeful) growth of her esophagus. It seems that her face is starting to fill out some, and she's getting a little more color to her skin.
Rose is keeping out hands full at home, coming into full toddler exploratory phase. She loves Cora, loves to give her kisses on the head and "hold it" (she, he, and it aren't distinct in her vocabulary yet). She's learning new words, counting to 6, and remembering things at a rate that just blows my mind.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
Glad to hear--I felt a little sad seeing the twins next to each other with Cora so pink and healthy while Lily looked pale and small... So I'm happy to hear Lily is beginning to catch up to her sister. :)