Saturday, February 29, 2020

Gap Study #1

Lily had her first gap study on Friday. It showed that the gap between the two ends of her esophagus are approximately 4cm apart. She will have another gap study in about a month to see if the gap is any smaller. The surgeon said he has seen gaps at 5 or 6cm, so 4cm isn't necessarily great, but it's not terrible either. As we mentioned in earlier posts, the gap needs to be 2cm or less before surgery,  but Dr Elliot also said they wouldn't do surgery until she was about 10 pounds. She was 5lbs 3oz as of last night, so she's got a ways to go.

She did great with the anesthesia, but unfortunately she had a rough night last night. She had at least 20 alarms (low heart rate and/or low oxygen) and many of them required stimulation. They gave her some oxygen, suctioned her and moved her replogle back to her mouth instead of her nose. The NICU doctor thinks most of the alarms are related to her thick secretions,  but some of them are from periodic breathing which is a premie thing. So they gave her another one time dose of caffeine.  She had a much better day and she looked good when we went to see her. She had her replogle replaced, and I got a picture of her before the new one was put in.  It was nice to see her with no tube for a minute!

Thanks for all the continued love and support! Cora was 6lb 15oz at her doctor's appointment on Thursday.  Yay! And Rose is still loving her big sister role.
No tubes!

Rose loves the toys at the hospital 


  1. Ohhh my gosh, the cuties! I started tearing up when I saw the picture of the twins together. I had a dream last night of Rose--unfortunately I don't remember anything about it, except that she was talking a lot and I was impressed by her vocab--but that was true in real life. ;-)

    Love you guys!

  2. Oh my, what a cutie! Glad for you that you could sneak a no tube pic! Love you girls! Grow strong Lily <3
